October 2022

refined mesh refined mesh

Class Information:
  • Room: M005 Mathematics Building
  • Time: 10:00am- 12:00 noon S
  • Office hours: By appointment
Lecturer Information:


A graduate-level course on numerical methods for partial differential equations. Learners are expected to have taken a first undergraduate course in numerical methods such as HMTHCS212 and a first course in PDEs such as HMTH407. Topics include finite difference and spectral methods for time-dependent and stationary partial differential equations. Error and stability analysis, Lax Equivalence Theorem. Implementation of finite difference and spectral methods in MATLAB.

Learners are expected to study the assigned resources prior to the class discussions. Reading material will be posted online on this site, and on WhatsApp group chat.


Other resources

Lesson Date Topics Comments Readings Exercises
1 October 10 Review of PDEs,
fundamental concepts and examples,
well-posed IVPs
Evans' notes on PDEs
Ascher: pg. 1-12
Sections 1.1 (pg. 1) - 1.1.4 (pg. 12)
Review: Ascher pg. 32:
0 (a), (b), (c), (d), (e)
1, 3, 4.
2 October 12 finite differences,
stability ideas,
review of mathematical foundations
Ascher: pg. 12-31
Sections 1.2(pg. 12) - 1.3.6 (pg. 32)
Review: Ascher pg. 32:
0 (f), (g), (h), (i)
5, 6
3 October 14 finite difference for the advection equation,
amplification factors, Von Neumann analysis, CFL condition
Ascher: pg. 12-31
Sections 1.2(pg. 12) - 1.3.6 (pg. 32)
Review: Ascher pg. 32:
0 (f), (g), (h), (i)
5, 6
4 October 17 finite difference for parabolic PDEs
heat equation in 1D,
truncation errors, convergence
Python codes for the heat equation

Explicit difference scheme

Fully Implict difference scheme
Morton and Mayers: pg. 7-36
Sections 2.1(pg. 7) - 2.7 (pg. 33)
Review: Morton and Mayers pg. 56:
2.3, 2.6, 2.7, 2.9
5 October 19 parabolic PDEs in 1D,
the \(\theta\)-method, Crank-Nicolson
Assignment 1 due 29 October

Morton and Mayers: pg. 36-52
Sections 2.8(pg. 36) - 2.15 (pg. 52)
Review: Morton and Mayers pg. 56:
2.3, 2.6, 2.7, 2.9
6 October 21 parabolic PDEs in 2 and 3D,
ADI Method in 2D, Douglas-Rachford, Peaceman-Rachford schemes
truncation error of the ADI scheme

stability of the ADI scheme
Morton and Mayers: pg. 62-71
Sections 3.1(pg. 62) - 3.3 (pg. 71)
Review: Morton and Mayers pg. 83:
3.1, 3.2, 3.3
7 October 24 consistency, convergence, stability
Lax Equivalence Theorem
Morton and Mayers: pg. 151 - 166
Sections 5.1(pg. 151) - 5.6 (pg. 160)
Review: Morton and Mayers pg. 190:
5.1, 5.2, 5.4
8 October 27 consistency, convergence, stability
calculating stability conditions
Morton and Mayers: pg. 151-166
Sections 5.1(pg. 151) - 5.6 (pg. 166 )
Review: Morton and Mayers pg. 190:
5.1, 5.2, 5.4
9 October 31 hyperbolic PDEs, dissipation
adding dissipation to schemes
Python codes for the advection equation



Lax Wendroff

Lax Friedrichs

Strikwerda: pg. 121-125
Sections 5.1(pg. 121-125)
Review: Strikwerda pg. 125:
5.1.1, 5.1.2, 5.1.4, 5.1.5
10 Nov 2 hyperbolic PDEs, dispersion
group velocity, wave packets
Assignment 2: due 18 Nov

Strikwerda: pg. 125-134
Sections 5.2-5.3(pg. 125-134)
Ascher: pg 211-217
Section 7.1 (pg. 211-217)
Review: Strikwerda pg. 129:
5.3.1, 5.3.2, 5.3.3, 5.3.4
Review: Ascher: pg 246
0(a), (b), (c), (d), 1, 2, 3(a), (b).

Final Exam